Hearts with Hope Postponed

2022 Hearts with Hope Postponed

Together, expanding hope in Coastal Connecticut


It is with a sorrowful heart that we must postpone our Hearts with Hope Women’s Reception scheduled for Thursday, March 24, at The Inn at Longshore. Our community and friends are facing an understandably difficult decision regarding in person meetings following the COVID crisis, and their concerns are being reflected in response to this event.

The good news remains that you as our supporting community are so ever present in sustaining Bridgeport Rescue Mission. Our plans are to gather this fall at our annual event to be held at the same location, The Inn at Longshore. Date and time to come.

In the meantime, please remain faithful to one another, our community and to the many guests arriving at our doors each day.

For information regarding this event, contact Anthony Thompson at 203-333-4087 or [email protected]


Join Bridgeport Rescue Mission in helping the homeless right here in Coastal Connecticut. Because each person, family, and situation are unique, we meet all whom we serve at his or her point of need and offer solutions to help fight poverty from the inside out.